
As an elementary school teacher I would take my students out for a weekly outdoor day. I was trained by Forest and Nature Canada. We called it Wondering Wednesdays. There we would explore the curriculum in real time. Using nature as a springboard into new learning,


Nature provides us with so many elements for creativity. Mandalas, twig sculpture, rubbings, shadow art.


With a BA in theatre, acting, directing and creating performances has been a large part of my career. I have directed students in The Lion King where we created our own masks, Playground fairy tales, Shrek, Alice in Wonderland.

I use all three elements -Outdoors- Art- Drama to create with children

Quotes from parents-

” Its like she sprinkles fairy dust on our children’

“She’s like the pied piper, the kids just follow her everywhere”

“Every time I’m outside with my child they teach me something new and its all because of ‘Wondering Wednesdays”

” I was in the moment that day and at one with the nature around me.  It was beautiful.  And my kids and I have gone back to these spots and the show me the cool things about them”

Check with CVRD for pro-d day registration